Een grappige scene:

Jack: You’ve been avoiding me, Lemon.
Liz: How do you do that without turning around?
Jack: To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you, but…here we are.
En een mooie scene:

'Liz and Jack went out to dinner at a very chic restaurant. As they sat down at the table, Jack immediately moved the candle from the center of the setting to the side of the table. Liz looked at him kinda funny, not understanding why he did that but, not really caring either. Later, however, when Liz reached across the table to steal some of Jack's food (as she always does), she realized he moved the candle so her sleeve wouldn't catch fire when she reached across the table. Jack's manner and grace were so attuned to her as a friend, that he knew her moves before she did. That tiny gesture ended up becoming the pivotal moment of the episode and changed the course of their business relationship.'
De laatste scene is volgens Scott Schuman van the sartorialist een voorbeeld van 'modern grace' En ik ben het met hem eens. Het zijn de kleine dingen die het doen.
"I'm telling you guys again, womennotice the small stuff. They notice the gentleness/gentlemenliness more than if you use the right fork at dinner."
Wie wil er niet zo'n man (A)
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